I am so tired of explaining to non-American friends how exhausting & dangerous it is to be trans, Black, disabled or poor in the US. How we were wanted dead before this & our deaths are still mostly invisible. How far the exported, curated image of the US always was from reality.
I'm also grieving for all the trans people who are dying of covid whose deaths won't even be recorded, whether bc they never had access to medical care in the first place &/or bc they don't have ID in their real gender with their real name. Those of us erased even in death.
On a related note, from an article over at Africa Is a Country: " #COVID19 has highlighted a long-term failure among some states to sustain public health, to sustain life, through their commitment to neoliberal agendas to end state welfare in favor of privatization. ..."
"...The US & British govt's are particularly egregious in governing on the basis of [...] affordable death through privatization... The power to dictate who may live has been outsourced & increasingly privatized, available only to those who can afford it." https://africasacountry.com/2020/04/the-necropolitics-of-covid-19
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