Today marks exactly seventeen years since I went to watch the Stormers vs the Queensland Reds (2003).

I will never forget this fixture because I was fully pregnant at the time but never thought I'd go into labour while cheering on a losing Stormers team 😂😩
I was so annoyed because this baby was well past her due date but never in a million years did I think she'd do the very most and spoil my outing to Newlands 😖
Madam was due on the 29th of March, surely one last trip to Newlands would be okay, right? WRONG. I was hella uncomfortable before the kick off but gave my tummy a gentle pat and told this little one to behave because I've literally been looking forward to this clash for daayysss
The Stormers were outplayed and outwitted by the Reds, and I went into labour after the second try was scored. My cousins asked me to "hold on" until full time but I was not going to have it. Called my mom and she told me to find a bathroom and check for the sign. WHAT SIGN???
Me: Mammie die baby gaan NOU kom

My mom: trek af jou pênty en kyk vir die sign 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Anyhow, y'all don't know know stress until you've been sent to look for a sign, at a rugby stadium, between literally tens of thousands of people cheering on a losing team😩😩
So, I saw the sign. Waddled back to my cousins, and we were on our way home. Zero pain but just a very uneasy and pressing backache, and intermittent labour pains. The absolute nerve
Got home, my whole entire family were waiting on us. My grandparents, aunties, my best friend, guys it was lit. Mom telling me to do breathing exercises but, they made me sit down and play a variety of songs on my piano because "you've got time" and "first babies are slow". Chaos
Eventually, after what felt like forever, my mom ran me the hottest of baths and told me to take my time. I got undressed, and something went poof! My water had broken. DID MOTHER NOT GET INTO THE BATH WITH ME, FOR WHAT AND FOR WHO😭😭😭😭
My mom's an old school midwife so I was in that bath for a very long time, letting in warm water all the the time but somehow my contractions were increasing, my mom and granny took times keeping me calm and reading to me
Eventually I was taken to hospital just before midnight, at this time I had the need to push. I was done AF. Y'alls fave teen was born on April 13, at exactly 00:15 weighing in at 3.4kg and I get to relive this day every single year 😂😂
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