My grandma passed away 2 days before my son's 3rd b'day. A friend had baked an exquisite rainbow cake w/ M&M's, Kit Kit & the works. Since we were mourning, I dropped it off to the Madrassa next to the graveyard. The gratitude & wonder on their faces,I'll never forget 1/n
Let alone an exquisite bespoke cake, a plain cake was a treat for them.

The moment I handed the cake, they raised their hands up in prayers for our family when I was merely giving something away.

Children whom the system failed; one could argue that some families failed. 2/n
Madrassa, literally means school. A place where the Quran is taught but mostly where needy children incl. orphans live & study for lack of options

Often they go to homes to read the Quran on occassions of birth, death & other days. They are paid a nominal sum and a meal. 3/n
Children & teenagers in their bleached white kurtas listening to the main Maulvi.

Obedient, lowered gaze, devouring that meal presented to them in exchange of prayers & unmoved by any measure of ostentantious display or exchange of affection between families even as 4/n
they have no family of their own or their families are far away. Sometimes there's a mischievious one who will smile or chuckle away.

As I child, I'd often think whom would they turn to when they needed someone? Did someone hold them in their arms? Did anyone console them? 5/n
They'd be thrilled about the dozens of 'Naankhatais' that were given to them in exchange of their prayers and presence; almost transactional.

Invariably, when they raised their hands up in prayer, they prayed for the family hosting them, for the country and for humanity. 6/n
There's a an Arabic word 'Miskeen', loosely translated as meek, in distress and naive.

So while literally it means school, in the context that it is being used & it has become, it is a place where the needy are housed.

What kind of a monster dehumanises these children? 6/n
Since Dec, the country has been on the boil. Mult. times when I've passed by the Masjid behind my home, I've broken down.

I see these children stroll by, occ. enjoying a little something of stolen childhoods & I think of the betrayals that await them in this hate-filled soc. 7/n
Only those who with their deliberate choices and leanings have crafted genocial campaigns in the name of the journalism to vilify an entire community.

I reiterate, just because they are orphans &/ needy doesn't mean these g*nocial manics of journalists use them as pawns 8/n
Has anyone examined the conditions udner which these orphans reach these Madrassas, live on charity & how more often than not, they are relegated to a life of ltd opportunity due to lack of exposure.

There are excep. but spec. referring to the context of serving the needy 9/n
@rahulkanwal you can & your entire tribe can hate Muslims as much as you want but someday your journalism will fail this country and you too.

Karma does catch up. Stay safe.
Duas for your family & you. 11/n

Madrassa literally means a place of education. However in this thread, I'm using it the context of a place that imparts religious education and houses the poor & needy; mostly the latter. 12/n
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