This recipe is great for space travel & surviving to an era when ageing is history. Though by now it’s not ready for you unless you are a nematode worm. We are talking about #Cryopreservation.

#aging #rejuvenation #antiaging #science
Have you ever wondered how reliable is getting frozen and surviving the process? Well, here we have this recipe to not only surviving but to even keeping your memories!
For this recipe we need
•Tasty food (E. coli)
•Almond-like smell (Benzaldehyde)
•Liquid nitrogen
•SafeSpeed freezing and thawing container
•Nematode worms (C. elegans preferred)
1) Train your worms to associate the almond-like smell with tasty food.
2) Put your worms in the SafeSpeed freezing container

a. To make the process more effective, freeze them in a cryoprotectant solution (that helps them deal with being turned into a snowman, or snow-worm).
3) Froze those worms in liquid nitrogen (-196 °C or −320 °F !!!)

a. The process is called vitrification because the animal freezes so fast that no harmful ice crystals are formed, and instead the whole worm becomes like glass.
4) Slowly thaw them to reactivate them (or revive them if you want to say it a bit more intense).
5) Face the worms with the same smell and see if they are still attracted to it because they remember that almond smell leads to tasty food.
6) To be sure they like the smell because of the good memories of food and not merely because it is a pleasant smell you should compare their response to that of worms which have not been exposed to the scent before.
7) Luckily for the nematodes, and future space travellers, the worms still had their memories and remembered which smells lead to tasty food.
PD 1: The research project was partially carried out by an organisation involved in cryopreservation. Anyway, whether any conflict of interest exists or not, another independent study should be carried out to further confirm the results. So, take this recipe with a grain of salt.
PD 2: The main technical problem with upscaling this to humans is that humans are bigger, and thus the body would take too long to get frozen. And so, most of the cells in the body would be destroyed before they can be frozen and preserved.
PD 3: Happy to obtain feedback about this thread/recipe and ideas for future ones.
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