Thank you very much, Keir. Let me say that it is only out of respect to you and your one-handed 22-tweet thread that I react - since that intelectually dishonest piece by Reframing Russia (which I refuse to link to) would not deserve it.
2/n: The amount of logical fallacies and misrepresentations in the RR hit piece has already been described by many, it was e.g. @KeirGiles who has given it much of his precious time. What gobsmacked me is the amount of otherwise reasonable people who promoted the hit piece.
3/n: I’m afraid it shows us that some Westerners truly suffer with the desperate need for balance. “If party A says X, and party B says Y, then the truth has to be somewhere in the middle.” Nope. Sometimes, party B is just plainly wrong. Or they deliberately lie and mislead.
4/n: It is this mechanism that is one of the repeated mistakes that we in the West keep doing - and it is a mechanism that Putin and his information army keeps exploiting, a mechanism that enables them to keep winning in the information confrontation.
5/n: The inability of some Westerners to accept that there is right and wrong, true and false, and that it is not only a logical, but a moral imperative as well to defend the truth against those who are trying to spread lies - that’s one of the reasons we keep losing.
6/n: The RR piece is just plainly wrong. The history of those researchers (google their names with RT, or Russia Today) shows that they decided to keep finding excuses for Putin’s propaganda aggression with logical fallacies and misrepresentations years ago.
7/n: It’s no one’s obligation to try and find “where could they be right” - they don’t seem to want to be right. There is no imperative to try and seek a balance, a compromise between right and wrong. This piece is wrong, period.
8/8: I only hope it will not affect what @EUvsDisinfo is doing. I hope they will keep delivering their reports, supplying us with new data about Kremlin’s information aggression. The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on. And @KeirGiles - thank you for defending right against wrong
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