
The latest idiocy from Neo Nazi group Patriotic Alternative is the suggestion that Britain become an ā€˜ethnostateā€™ and, in order to achieve this, their policy is to give all non whites Ā£15k to leave the country.
The morality of this proposal aside, it is a ludicrous and unworkable proposition based on a total ignorance of economics.
Patriotic Alternative propose to fund their scheme by printing more money. Yes their members are actually in chat groups calling other people stupid for not realising that a government in power could print as much cash as they like.
Printing money as a last resort to stimulate an economy is known as quantitative easing. As a short term method it can work. However the problem is that the more money you plough into an economy, the less value it has.

Devaluing the currency leads to high inflation
High Inflation is when the value of money fails to keep up with the price of goods. So, put simply, your Ā£20 food shop will buy you fewer products. You still have Ā£20 in your purse but the buying power of that Ā£20 becomes less and less as inflation increases.
When inflation becomes extremely high it is known as ā€˜hyper inflationā€™.
The danger with hyper inflation is that the economy is no longer attractive to investors who will seek to invest in foreign markets. So the wealth in the country starts to move out of the economy leading to a further spiral of economic downturn.
High inflation also means financial stress for public services. Take the NHS, they still have to purchase all the equipment and medicine to keep functioning but their funding is not stretching as far due to the increasing divide between purchase power and the cost of goods.
In order to ensure public services are funded both the government of the day and local councils would be forced to increase taxes. BUT as the economy is struggling as a result of high inflation employers cannot afford to increase wages to keep pace with higher taxes.
So the person in the street at this point is paying more out in tax, their income has less value and public services are stretched.
But it doesnā€™t end there. The way to combat high inflation is to increase interest rates. So now the person in the street is finding that when he/she wants to borrow money it is at a higher cost. Mortgage payments rise, credit cards and personal loans become harder to obtain.
Higher interests rates lead to a slowing in economic growth which in turn can potentially lead to recession and an increase in unemployment.
Then we need to consider the fact that if Patriotic Alternative had their way there would be a mass exodus of people from the country. They have costed the Ā£15k per person but what they have failed to consider is all the additional costs of losing a large chunk of our population.
It is ludicrous to assume (as the fash do) that all non whites are on state benefits. The official government stats show the accurate picture.
The average salary in the UK is Ā£28k.
If we did lose the non white population we are also losing their contribution to the economy. Income Tax, Council tax, VAT. This loss would take the ā€˜billionsā€™ forecast by Patriotic Alternative into Trillions.
The average savings for a person in the UK is Ā£800-Ā£900. We can clearly see that over 95% of the average salary of a UK individual is being pumped back into the economy. Diverting this income stream from our own economy to another would further slow the growth of our own economy.
The other cost Patriotic Alternative have failed to consider is the cost of sending British citizens to other countries. They claim to have allowed for ā€˜repatriationā€™ costs in their Ā£15k but the majority of Black, Asian and non white citizens in the UK are British.
Non white British citizens cannot be repatriated, they already live in their home country!
So if Patriotic Alternative want other countries to take in British citizens they would have to be prepared to offer some very significant financial incentives for the other countries to do so. This is not accounted for in any of their figures.
Then the skills gap needs to be considered. If Britain were to lose many of its skilled and professional workers overnight then there would need to be a mass training program to upskill new workers.
In the kind of economic carnage this forced ā€˜repatriationā€™ has left in its wake there is no money available to train anybody. More carnage, more financial chaos and more negative impact on public services.
When a wannabe political party like the idiotic Patriotic Alternative comes up with ridiculous policies like ā€œGive all non whites Ā£15k to leave Britainā€ they look to lure the gullible and the easily led to promote them.
The followers of parties with a single (racist) agenda are unable to think critically or to evaluate the policies. They just regurgitate what they are told to believe.

They have no understanding of economics whatsoever.
Patriotic Alternative, your 'ethnostate' would leave in its wake a destroyed economy, mass unemployment, underfunded public services and high inflation. Borrowing would be out of the question for all but the wealthy.
Youā€™d accept economic devastation and the destruction of your country just so you donā€™t have to see someone on the street with a different skin colour to you?

And you wonder why I call you racist idiots.
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