OK TIME TO TALK ABOUT WHY THE GUIDELINES ARE AN ENTIRE LANDMINE ITSELF and I will start by using my limited English skills to explain what a マナー厨 is since that's all I've been talking about
マナー厨: someone that forcefully/ tried to enforce manners (rules) on others in the fandom. I've never seen a jp fan that doesn't at least have this in their "not understand" category. Basically if you try to bring a rulebook into the jp fandom you will be hated.
That being said half the Intl fandom are マナー厨s . So you ask me what if someone really is being disrespectful? Are we actually going to ignore it? One simple answer. Yes. There are limitations on what a マナー厨 is. For example calling out 害悪、にわか isnt considered as-
-マナー厨. However it's not up to us to tell others how to stan their oshis. If you feel like they don't know it's wrong, ok tell them. If you do it too much though the jp fans that are perfectly respectful etc. Will start disliking you. There will always be disrespectful-
-people in a fandom. It's not our business, and our oshis are completely fine right now. If there's a problem, the oshis themselves are the only people with the authority to teach people manners. If you don't like what another fan is doing , report them, block them.
Ok so it sounds harsh. Well my question is you all say you know the jp fandom but from this entire thing I really don't know how to believe you. There are so many more "etiquette" for jp fandom. A lot more words to describe everything but as far as I was concerned-
the Intl fanbase never had a problem with their landmines etc(except for everyone being DD3+) until this whole rule thing. It's not doing anything for anyone and to be honest the jp fandom is a lot less sensitive than you all think.
There's rules regarding nmmn and nsfw where they'd prefer you do it in a private account, but I just want to ask everyone to calm down with guidelines or rules. I'm not saying they're not useful. It's just you've managed to step into everyone's landmine with that one tweet.
If the oshis have something to say, ok then, listen to them, for example about the art reposting. But creating a guideline or rulebook is literally just showing the jp fandom the Intl fanbase are all マナー厨s
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