One reason the left has been so impotent in this scenario is that it’s never largely or seriously interrogated scienctistic materialism as an authority & never trained to do so.
So now it’s merely caught between which authorities to accept and appease to best protect workers.
The right is worse; it may be suspicious, but its ideas of what’s happening are wild guesses based on vague notions of conspiracy to protect a vague notion of freedom.
Neither of these are good options.
How can we be critical of power if we can’t understand the language it’s appropriating to oppress us?
Many politically thoughtful people are unprepared to be critical.
Unfortunately that means a lot of the burden of protest is coming from the right.
Not good.
I’ve been saying this for years; leftist obedience to/uncritical acceptance of scientistic materialism empowers tyranny and fascism, and at a more basic level, capitalism.
“Science” is not your comrade.
As someone who studied science in grad school, I can tell you, it absolutely needs to be interrogated.
We need to be able to read - skillfully & critically - the scientific information provided as (sorry) gospel.
And not just like or dislike based on who’s handed it to us.
This could include training in the sciences; but it would require that training be paired with radical politics and an open and honest knowing of how scientific evidence enterprise often pairs with power. In my experience, scientists are reluctant to do so.
And since of course people in this crisis aren’t going to be starting and finishing their science & history of science degrees, something else will be required.
Easiest way forward, find the science critical leftists and radical leftist scientists and read their work.
But mostly people read these thinkers & just entertain the work as intellectual exercises.
(Indeed some of these thinkers themselves prove to be not so radical in their lived politics.)
That’s not enough; the lessons must be internalized and translated into public voice/action.
So, you know me. I think it’s best if we start to attack the materialist worldview itself; which requires theology, theurgy, anthropology, occultism, magic, witchcraft, radical phenomenology, and more.
And all without falling into a conservative sway of any of the above.
Look, this is all going to be necessary anyway, whether this crisis fizzles out (unlikely) or we end up in a technocratic fascist world order (also unlikely though more urgent); so you might as well get going and start today.
It’s needed.
Happy Easter.
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