Lines from "Anne with an 'E'" that either made me ponder, come to a realization, learn a lesson, or I related to.

*hiram ako artwork mo, @jah447798 ha? :)

@SB19Official | #SB19
"Why are the worst memories the most insistent?"

@SB19Official | #SB19
"If you have big ideas you have to use big words to express them."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"You can nearly always enjoy something if you make up your mind firmly that you will. Of course, you must make up your mind firmly."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"To live a life w/ no regrets."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"Sometimes, you just have to let people love you."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"All we can do is our best regardless of what we know or don't know."

@SB19Official | #SB19
Anne: I believe there's always a bit of good in any situation, even a bad one. I think it builds character.

@SB19Official | #SB19
Marilla: Easier said than done. But I suppose that's a fine way of looking at things.

@SB19Official | #SB19
"It's not what the world holds for you, it is what you bring to it."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"People think what they want to, despite the truth."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"You cannot let the narrow thinking of others chart your path."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"Life is short and the world is wide."


@SB19Official | #SB19
"Different isn't bad, it's not just the same."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"When your eyes seek and your heart is open, that is true brave."

@SB19Official | #SB19
Gilbert: If I feel something for a girl, does that mean she is the one that I should marry?

Bash: Not necessarily, Blythe. +++

@SB19Official | #SB19
+++ Attraction - yes, it's important. But love, that's what trully matters. And love is bigger than those feelings you are talking about.

@SB19Official | #SB19
"Love is not quantifiable and therefore not finite."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"No one but you is allowed to dictate what you are worth."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"Know your heart before you make commitments."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"Life could be so momentous. A morning can start off like any other, but by nightfall things have occured that could change a course forever."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"You can only know something when you know it. Not a minute before."

@SB19Official | #SB19
"You can't know joy unless you've known sorrow. Those of us who can soar to the highesr heights can also plunge to the deepest depths."

"It's a balance."

"It's the beauty of it."

@SB19Official | #SB19
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