My encounter with Big Ed (thread):
As many of you know Big Ed resides in San Diego, California. As I was making my way out of a Walmart parking lot I noticed a peculiar looking man off the corner of my eye. He was surrounded by some kids that were taunting and teasing him to...
cruelest extent. I’m talking name calling, fists being thrown, and his groceries spread all over the floor. As the kind person I am I went over to successfully stop the harassment. I helped gather his items as tears were pouring from his face. After settling down I asked...
if he was okay. He explained to me that he was only trying to get some things for his girlfriend before the kids started to attack him. So slowly we start talking more and more and sure enough I find out that this man was essentially trying to buy a girlfriend
from the Philippines. This kind of rubbed me the wrong way but I went along with his story. As a sign of gratitude he invited to buy me a coffee at a nearby Starbucks to which I gladly accepted. Before leaving the door however he turned to me with his whole body and said
“Hey, it’s Patrick right? Do you mind doing me a quick favor before you take off?” I said sure and he guided me to the back of his Plymouth Voyager. As he slid open the side door I will never forget the stench that reeked from that van. It smelled like garlic robitussin mixed
with ball sweat. As I was gagging from the stench he starts rummaging through his trash infested vehicle and finally manages to lug out an empty suit case and here’s where it gets spicy. This man looks me DEAD in the eye and says “you see those towels over there?”
I said “yea what do you want me to do with them?” He slumps over defeated with tears starting to form again as his lip starts to quiver pitifully. “Well, I would really love it if you could fold these towels for me prior to my trip, I’ve never been able to do them properly...”
I stood there in shock, completely taken Ana k from what I just heard and he continues on by saying “That’s why I want an Asian wife, you can’t beat their domestic skills!”....At this point I stood there, speechless. In my 22 years of living I have never had so many thoughts
running through my head. Aside from the stereotypes and creepy vibe that he gave me, the biggest take away that I had was
Ed has never folded a towel in his life, he can’t, he has no neck....I....
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