Got woken up at midnight by boyfriend's mother calling him and crying down the phone. She is a palliative care nurse and told him they are having to refuse and send terminal care patients to die at home if they're negative for covid-19.
So her ward is full to the brim of terminally Ill people with covid-19 now instead and she is struggling to cope because she said the deaths are awful. Half the patients are in and out of coma on 100% oxygen and aren't allowed family to visit which runs end of life care plans
That were made previous to the pandemic. People who would have lived years longer with cancer diagnosis' are now dying from being infected with covid and some of them are young people too.
She had to hold a phone to the ear of a dying old man so his wife of 70+ years could sing to him as he passed away without his family.
My boyfriends mum is a religious peppy woman and although I am definitely not, I always accepted her beliefs. It is sad to hear someone who is usually so positive in her religion, work and life crying and sounding so worn down. She also has no proper PPE so she is very scared.
I don't know what I am getting at with this thread really. Maybe just venting.
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