I can’t be the only organizer sick of state-sponsored strike days that don’t disrupt anything led by upper class white people. We chant about climate justice and how if we don’t get it, we’ll “shut it down”, but I don’t see any shutting down happening. (1/?)
We have to move as a powerful, inter-generational coalition of workers and organizers that is organized horizontally, rather than vertically, as most climate organizations are organized.
No more faces of the movement. No more TED Talks. No more talk of neoliberal policies that don’t achieve anything. No more executive directors and no more red carpet walks. No longer will we be the youth climate movement, but rather the people’s climate movement.
Shallow statements of solidarity will not be tolerated in this movement. Working with corporations, “sustainable” or not, will not be tolerated in this movement. Organizational status will not be achieved. Endorsements will not be made. The revolution will not be televised.
This movement will be fueled by a deep love and an insatiable desire for justice. We will cooperate with each other and exemplify the word “community”. We will build bridges with each other but never with the enemy.
Violence against one another will never be tolerated, whether that violence is physical, structural, or emotional. The circle will always be open. There is enough space for all of us to exist equally and move in conjunction, the way we move on a crowded subway car.
Falsehoods will not be shared here. No person will hold more power than another. Laughs will be heard and tears will be shed. We do not punish emotion. We will communicate honestly with each other. Our rights are inherent and are protected by each other.
Restorative justice will be inherent to our community. Labor, whether it be emotional or physical, will always be equally distributed. We hold each other accountable. We keep us safe. We win together and we lose together. We are the future.
You can follow @akh776.
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