Guys this is so wholesome. So we have a lady who comes and cleans our house every week and cleaning houses is her only form of income (she’s from a diff country) and she doesn’t speak much English but my family absolutely adores her. She always goes above and beyond for us and is
Always making us different baked goods and always asking how we are (in the best English she can). She’s been doing our house for 5 years now and she is an absolute gem of a human being. Anyway, with COVID-19 she hasn’t been able to clean houses so she isn’t making any money so
My parents decided since we love her so much that we would keep paying her the normal pay even though she can’t clean for us. So today she came to pick up her pay and she brought her son (WHO WAS HOT AF) and she made us so much food like different cakes and desserts and stuff
anyway, it just made me think about how times must be so tough for some people. Luckily my parents are great people and can help her stay on her feet but it’s stuff like that you don’t really think about. So if you can help someone in need out, please do. They’ll appreciate it.
And not only will they appreciate it but they will remember it. Even when all of this shit is over.
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