Happy Nerd moment (a thread): I have been doing the @nytimes crosswords on their app for months now, but my phone is always on silent.
I always try to push myself and finish the minis in under 20 seconds... because I’m weird that way. I get such a high when I finish a puzzle and see if I bested myself from the last puzzle I played.
Tonight, I was watching @nbcbrooklyn99 season 6, episode 13 (The Bimbo) and my favorite character, Captain Holt, says that he’s playing “video games”. By “video games” he meant the aforementioned @nytimes crossword app.
He is excited that the app plays a little song once you’ve solved the puzzle, which I had no idea it did. (Perpetually silenced phone, and all).
I was shook. I had to hear it for myself so I immediately *gasp* un-silenced my phone, solved a mini crossword and delighted in the song.
And now, here I am, writing this thread just so that in the future, when I see my social media history, I’ll remember that one random night while I was quarantined during a global pandemic, something as silly as this anecdote made me happy.
You can follow @MarinesFigueroa.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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