Why do we pathologize physical violence? I am not going to defend physical violence but many of us grew up in communities and households where practicing or experiencing it was very normal. As such we are often the result of the communities we’ve been socialized in
Right and wrong does apply - physical violence leads to trauma, many people use physical violence as a trauma response. What I don’t understand is pathologizing ppl who use and experience this violence instead of analyzing the social/political conditions in which its embedded
I really felt it when Huey wrote about how he defended himself in court when he was charged with using violence bcuz in his neighborhood/community, someone backing you up was a declaration of intended harm. Social conventions in his community didn’t translate to white jurors
This whole Lilo thing too also reminds me of how retaliation against racism and bullies is pathologized as savage, uncivilized etc. but the direct institutional harm is normalized as innocent, acceptable or okay
Anyway I don’t know what to think of this myself bc for me violence is connected both to trauma/abuse and self-defense. I’d like to know what your all thoughts are. Disagreement welcome.
For those of us who grew up middle class or from a certain part of the city, interpersonal and larger systemic violence is just a part of our day-to-day reality. Maybe we are crazy but if that’s it then the rest of society is crazy as well.
I am also thinking of liberal and upper class feminism in Pakistan vs. the physical defending of oneself against harassment in urban middle class communities
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