If u have a youtube channel please drop a link here.

I may not be following every CG creator trying to build a channel.
So please retweet this so they can see it.

I'm grabbing an oar & subbing to CG channels to help them out.

Guys...everybody with YouTube channels MAKE SURE that you have play lists.
This is about growing your platform. There are a ton of small up & coming creators that are trying to do this & we need to be able to get the view counts up.
One way of doing this is with play lists.
Play lists are easy to set up & run as a person does chores or things like that around the house or even leaves to run errands.
The faster we get these counts up the sooner you guys can get monetized which is also a part of ur platform.
Its all about the money!!
@ReplicatorComic do you have a youtube channel brother?
@chibi_mike drop your links brother!!
You can follow @CGWorldOrder.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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