If the post office goes under, my vintage shop and every other small online business who can't afford to make deals with private shipping companies is going to be utterly screwed.
Like, I can't overstate how much cheaper it is as a sole proprietorship to ship through USPS than it is through UPS or FedEx.
Not to mention that they ship everywhere and private companies don't.
It's been shown that shipping costs are what motivate people to buy, and if the only companies that can afford to offer free or reduced shipping charges are the ones big enough to absorb the costs, it is going to mess up online retail so badly for people like me.
And for buyers too. For anyone who cares about supporting small businesses or buying second hand or handmade goods, all your purchases are about to get more expensive.
Good thread. https://twitter.com/lildipshit3/status/1248741868440940544
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