Contributing to the threads of sapphic book recs with books that contain both sapphic and autistic rep since it’s #AutismAcceptanceMonth and since, yet again, people are claiming there are no sapphic books!
Failure to Communicate by Kaia Sonderby

Scifi. Autistic, bi and polyam main character whose job is to negotiate alliances with aliens. F/F/M. Political drama. So many different alien species.
Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde

YA contemporary. Dual POV between and autistic character and an asian bisexual character. Takes place at a comic convention. Super light hearted and heartfelt.
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant

Follows multiple characters on board a ship headed to the Mariana Trench in search of proof of the existence of mermaids. Main character Tory is a bi scientist. Another character Olivia, is an autistic lesbian.
The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed

Multiple POV’s, including an autistic character, a sapphic character and a fat character. Follows a group of highschool girls fighting against sexism and rape culture at their school.
The Outside by Ada Hoffman

Scifi. Autistic & sapphic scientist mc in an established relationship with another woman on her spaceship crew. After accidentally warping reality with her invention, she’s kidnapped by AI gods and forced to work for them.
The Other World by A.C Buchanan

After emigrating to another world, an autistic wlw establishes her career and marries another woman and finally feels like she belongs. But as she reaches old age she finds herself a reluctant emissary for peace.
No Room at the Inn by Brooke Winters

An erotic f/f novella with an autistic mc. Takes place at an erotic hotel where they both work. Two friends have been sexual partners for awhile, but they start to realize they may have romantic feelings too.
Hunt (Freya Snow Book 1) by L.C Mawson

Bi autistic mc. A teen girl bouncing from foster home to foster home discovers newfound magical abilities and meets a ghostly guardian her mother sent to watch over her. Starts as YA and follows her into adulthood.
Peta Lyre’s Rating Normal by Anna Whateley

A sapphic autistic teen girl falls for another girl while on a school ski trip, as she tries to decide which rules to follow and which to break. Out later this month!
Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis

No autistic rep but is f/f and by an autistic author. Told in dual POV’s between a sapphic character and a disabled character who can see through her eyes and into her world. They have to work together to save a princess.
This is Where it Ends by Marieke Nijkamp

No autistic rep but has f/f rep and is by an autistic author. Multiple POV’s between teens trying to survive a school shooting.
Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi

No autistic rep, but has sapphic polyam rep and is by an autistic author. Follows a sky surgeon who stows away on a spaceship while searching for her sister, who is in danger. Finds herself falling for the captain.
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