I've noticed a big change in the past month since Bernie got his ass kicked. All of a sudden alot of us liberals have been able to look around and realize how far the far-left (non-liberals) have gaslit us to think they are like half of the Dem Party. So many people that I've
spoken to- both here and in private life - have told me they feel like they are not liberal anymore but so called "moderates". Well here is the truth - Bernie is not a liberal, he is a leftist. Look around, we are told by some of his supporters that they are anti-capitalist
socialists, marxists, etc. There is a huge difference between liberals and leftists. I believe that we should accept each and everyone of us however we should be able to ask tough questions without being screamed at - i believe in free speech - not shutting people down. maybe
i'm a liberal, maybe i'm a moderate. i'm definitely center-left - but fuck all of bernie's cult who say we are "Centrists".
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