i love fortnite, but sadly i have to quit or take a break. i cant enjoy playing anymore. there’s fps issues, no communication, no patch notes, ping issues, sbmm, bugs/glitches that take forever to get fixed and i get it coronavirus is effecting everyone but this stuff was
happening before coronavirus. i don’t want fortnite to die and i don’t think it’s dying. i feel likes it losing its popularity though do to the reasons i listed and more. i only used to get on to do challenges because i love challenges and now i cant even do that... i don’t even
want to do them. when i do feel like getting on i can’t play to the best of my ability anymore because when i don’t play for along time or as much as i used to i’m bad and literally die to bots which is aggravating when it happens repeatedly.
@FortniteGame please just listen to us. i love the game and i don’t want to give up on it!
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