God, I am not enjoying how this is pushing the idea that you can trust you family no matter what because that is absolutely not true. I don't know why Zen ran away (yet) but there was a reason. Personally, I think that toxic people are toxic. Even if they're family-1/5
It's okay to cut them out of your life. You don't have to love your family just because you share the same blood. I fucking hate when people say that. Just because you're related doesn't automatically mean they were good to you, nor does it mean they haven't hurt you. -2/5
I can't stand that they're pressuring Zen to reconnect with them. This just feels very personal to me, because if I stayed with my Mum or with my Dad they always said to me "S/he's your mom/dad" Like that would make me less mad, like it would erase what they did to hurt me. -3/5
Just because they're family doesn't make the things they did okay. I hate the shortened phrase "Blood is thicker than water." Fully it's "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." That means to me you don't have to love your family no matter what. -4/5
If they hurt you, they hurt you. It's okay to be mad, it's okay to hurt. You are not obligated to forgive anyone. You don't have to love your family if they're toxic. 5/5 End of Thread.
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