It’s the 1970’s & Ted Bundy is on trial for multiple murders. Based off his “charisma” & “looks” would you have guessed he was a fucking monster?
For those that have watched Bundy’s interviews/tapes, do you think his psychotic/narcissistic PD was evident?
Do you believe he was “born” a serial killer, or that his childhood/environment was the contributing factor?
For those who voted that it was Ted’s childhood/environment was the most contributing, which one took the most effect on him?
Why do you think Bundy was with Liz for YEARS??
For those that think Bundy actually loved Liz, then you are claiming that he was capable of having & feeling emotions. Did he ever feel any remorse for the murders? If so, when?
Are we happy that the victims/victims’ families were finally able to get some closure and that Ted Bendy was sent to the electrical chair to burn in hell?
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