I like how Germany and France are in the middle and yet Bernie's on the far left but Bernie's policies are essentially as left (and sometimes less left) than the policies already common in those countries. https://twitter.com/theRedLefty/status/1249187291609825281
Same for Canada, btw. Which has single-payer universal healthcare.
Also, I like how it says "facism" on the right but Nazism (which was a type of facism) is on the left. I really HOPE this was made as a joke, but knowing what I know about some people's beliefs... I also know that there's a definite chance that it wasn't.
Also, like that mayor Pete, the guy who demoted the black police chief for his donors, is "kind."
Also, Bernie and Xi Jinping... clearly exactly the same. Like, the amount of differences between the two could probably fill a book.
I also like how Sweden is on the "bad left" side. Cuz you know, Sweden is well known for being an unliveable hellhole all over. Fuck, some right-wingers probably actually believe that considering some things I've heard.
And Saudi Arabia is still on the healthy conservatism side. The place where the kill witches and behead atheists in the public square and shit... clearly healthy conservatism. Yeah, this has to be a parody. I assume that a real crazy right-winger would hate the Saudis too...
considering that they're Muslims. Although, you never know. Probably gonna stop pointing out stupid stuff about this image now. If I had to point out everything this thread would be 10.000 tweets long.
Fuck, and if a neoliberal made this... that's the most right-wing neoliberal ever. Never seen a right-winger use Harry Potter houses before though. Although again, this backs up this being a joke. Still can't be sure though.
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