While TROS is drenched in misogyny & casual racism, the biggest crime this LAZY film commits is breaking of the Star Wars myth. A thread.
It invalidates everything & everyone:
1. Anakin’s journey
2. Luke & Leia
3. Rey, Finn & Poe
4. The Force itself
OT, PT, Rebels, Clone Wars & countless other canon establish Anakin’s hero & villain journey as culminations of both Sith & Jedi. Someone CREATED by the Force itself to balance both sides.
Sidius & Plagueis both tried to pervert the Force & it retaliated. It created Anakin who completes his journey at the end by saving his son, killing Palp, dying himself and thus ENDING the Rule of Two. Lucas himself called him the Chosen one.
None of that matters anymore. Nothing matters.
Leia spend her life in politics & leadership. While Force sensitive, she did NOT opt out for a life of a Jedi. TROS undid her entire life.
And for what? A super awkward CGI Carrie & Mark scene created for who exactly? “She stopped her Jedi journey because her son would die.” HER SON DID DIE. Nothing matters.
Luke was naive, a hero, a fighter, a Jedi, a symbol, myth, someone who aged, who made mistakes & felt bitterness & loneliness, who UNDERSTOOD WHY the Clone Wars happened. That Light side can be blinding & Jedi’s undoing.
TROS ignores that. Turned him into a corny God like creature with special Force powers because the plot needed it. Qui Gon spent his ETERNITY figuring out Force Ghosts & in TROS, its just there. For nostalgia gasps.
Force itself is a joke in TROS. Its a convenient deus ex machina used when the plot needed it. There are no stakes, no consequences, no tension. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters.
There is no sense of urgency or concern. There is no dread. And when you feel nothing, its hard to celebrate the winning moments.
You can watch the entire Clone Wars & see all the moments Jedi missed because they were so blinded by their own rules. Its infuriating, sad, & you scream at your TV because YOU KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES.
Clone Wars does not matter. Ahsoka is not a Jedi, she rejected that life after witnessing how limiting & narrow minded their ideologies are. Even Anakin agreed. But none of that matters anymore.
Palpatine being alive BREAKS THE MYTH. “But he’s a clone.” You mean a plot convenience to shut people up about previous SIX movies. Its lazy & worst of all, INSULTING.
Because now cloning is a thing. A casual device to explain plot holes created by the worlds LAZIEST blockbuster ever.
TROS insults the audience with such ferocity, it has collectively made FORTY YEARS of lore & myth utterly pointless.
Anakin doesn’t matter.
Vader doesn’t matter.
Ahsoka doesn’t matter.
Darth Bane & Rule of Two doesn’t matter. The Force doesn’t matter. Mortis Arc doesn’t matter. Bendu doesn’t matter....
Leia’s life & accomplishments do not matter.
Luke’s struggles do not matter.
Do we really give a s*t about Finn & Poe anymore?
Finn & Poe’s entire journey in TROS was to prove how heterosexual they are. Thats their arc.
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