Prime video has the most amazing backlog of “bad” genre films. It’s like the best video stores of my childhood.

Why yes I would like to watch every scifi production that was quickly green lit after Star Wars ate the box office.
OH. MY. GOD! - Space Precinct 2040!

Read that synopsis and tell me that’s not a must watch.
The real MVP of the superhero genre.
It’s a crime they only have the one season.
Remember Highlander? Swords, immortals, Queen soundtrack! How good was that!

Did you know there was an 8 season spin off television show? And did you know that spin of tv show had a spin off tv show?

Ok serious time. The Lost Room is actually very good.
Staying serious, this is quality stuff!
This is perfection in screenwriting. From the title and the log line I know exactly how this plays out. Adding to the watch list.
Fantastic little Aussie film. Totally worth a watch.
I know nothing about this. But from the smouldering eyes of Stephan Baldwin and the fact it’s a film from 1995 restored in 4K it must be for someone!
It’s Jeffery Combs.
What 👏 are 👏 you 👏 waiting 👏 for!
Mad Max was good. This is totally not Mad Max.
Look. It’s Brigitte Nielsen. Read that plot description! How is that not worth a watch?
This is some parallel universe medieval sci-fi with Richard Hatch and John “damn right it is” Saxon!

Again for the people in the back. John. Saxon.
Probably a little close to home in the current pandemic situation. But perhaps has some helpful tips!
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