1/ Who wants to watch me #LiveTweetAPuzzle??? Okay okay okay before you think I’ve gone away a bit with cabin fever this is a legit idea because here’s the thing...it’s an animal/plant trivia puzzle. And my husband as I are STUMPED on some of these...
2/ So here’s the deal. I’ll post our most troubling pieces. If you know the answer post it and help us. But please don’t look them up in google because by my arbitrary rules that’s cheating. Ok ready???
3/ question one...what animal/plant is another name for lucerne?
4/ how about...what has young called “elvers”?
5/ what has eyes at the end of its arms?
6/ what is the national symbol of Germany? And Spain?
7/ What has the largest seeds of any plant, weighing up to 49lbs?!
8/ has a name meaning ghost
9/ Ok WTF has green bones? I know silky chickens have black bones!
10/ What has the greatest girth of any tree? And which one is the tallest?
11/ what has the highest nutritional value of any commonly eaten fruit?
12/ Females are millions of times heavier than males? I know some of those deep sea fish have lil parasitic males but that’s not an animal option
13/ slowest growing animal? Is it a giant clam maybe?
14/ what’s sometimes seen in a group called a leap?
What can digest 95% of its body when it needs to? A worm? Do worms just go to town cannibalizing themselves???
16/ Right? I’m pretty sure this is a thing...

”prairie dogs...build the largest colonies of any animal, with one estimated to have covered 24,000mi2”
17/ can hear frequencies as high as 210khz, compared to only 20khz for humans
18/ lives in a group called a watch
19/ is the source of agar agar for ice cream (this one is especially infuriating because I know I’ve heard this before)
20/ is a famous source of prussic acid poison (IDK what that even is)
Alright calling it quits for the night as neither of us can see straight at this point. But will resume tomorrow!!!
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