Small Thread:
I made a comment about it being good that churches are closed to prevent infection. Was assailed by many people who threw epithets and what-not Most of the things they threw over the fence were either names or "how dare you stop God's people from being
together!" A second favorite was "We have the God given right to assembly ... says so in the Constitution!" A third favorite was "As a Christian I will fight for my freedom from tyranny."

Ok, let me give some tips if you think any of those things or run into people who do:
1) God does not require us to meet en masse for our faith to be valid. Church history (in all traditions) shows us that there are many times believers were under lash and sword or in hiding and could not perform liturgy in a normal manner. Yet, the Faith survived.
2) God hasn't ever anointed "our right to gather" as sacred. Also, the American Constitution isn't a part of our faith. It is not some addendum from God and America is just a set of borders. It's not some modern redux of Biblical Israel. Stop fetishizing America.
Not to mention, that when the promise of gathering was written in the C, it was done so to remedy abuses against the body politic for protests before the Rev War. It was not an assurance that people could go out en masse and risk lives or kill people with infection.
3) Your Christian duty isn't to fight tyranny. It's to love people and lead them to the Cross. You are God's hand on Earth and the purpose He gives us as His hands are to continue the work of the Cross.
So, if you run into unbalanced zealots like that ... here is the secret to ending the conversation: Simply ask them how many people they are willing to kill for the economy or to hold church. Demand they give you a number. 1? 100? 1000?
Be firm. Ask them to enumerate how many people they will willingly sacrifice to hold church or reopen the economy. Then ask them to justify that number against their creed. They'll call you a name, run, and block you. End of problem.
8/8 End of Thread
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