This is one of the few community hashtags I will not support, because you're sabotaging your own game.

If you want change, do something about it. Trust me, I know how helpless it can feel... out of all people, but better than this self fulfilling prophecy.
Y'all want broadcasts? Support or make broadcasts? Y'all want good practice? Support and treat good practice. Y'all want people to be interested in comp? Stop trashing it every second. Y'all want good tournaments? Support and make your own tournaments.
Epic clearly is not interested in doing what needs to be done to make the game what the community wants it to be and knows has the potential for.

So if you want it that bad, take it into your own hands. Stop relying on who has been proven to not care.
You can follow @Ballatw.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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