Can’t believe i used to be in the crowd of drawing giant boobs and being like “WELL THE NIPPLE ISNT EXPOSED SO ITS SFW STOP BEING DIRTY” like lol shut up younger me you know what you were doing
people who do this you aren’t fooling anyone, either draw actual sfw stuff or just own up what you’re doing.
or the goddamn people that would have “Very suggestive” or “Barely SFW” in their bios cos they knew they’d get in trouble for saying NSFW.

That was me I was that person
people actually defended me when i was pulling this stuff?? like bro you should’ve bonked me on the noggin, i remember thinking i was mature and slick as hell
now still isn’t an excuse to be weird in the comments, unless the art is straight up porn we don’t wanna hear how you wanna be strangled with the characters thighs you little deviant
like i hopped on every trend at the time of god damn big thighs, girly looking guys, suggestive poses and anything really. And i don’t have any issue with doing that, but the fact I used to try and pretend it was “Wholesome 100” is hilarious
The other funny thing is that people still take this so damn seriously, tbh this is something that you can look back on and go, “Wow that was cringey” and laugh about it, it isn’t that deep dude
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