you wanna know what pisses me off the most about the constant invalidation of lesbians i see on the tl every other week? it’s how i see other lesbians begin to question their identity and their value. (thread)
it’s how i see people afraid of using the label because “what if i’m faking?” or “what if i’m actually not? then i’ll be perpetuating the stereotype...” no!!! there is absolutely NOTHING harmful about trying the label only to realize that it’s not right for you.
you don’t just figure your sexuality out in one night, or after one label. many lesbians have tried other labels only to realize it’s not right for them. and many people have identified as lesbians only to realize that they’re not. and that’s okay!! that’s what labels are for.
you aren’t perpetuating any stereotypes and you aren’t harming the communities at all. what IS harming our community is people claiming to be lesbians when they’re still KNOWINGLY attracted to men (bi and pan lesbians for example). lesbians are NOT attracted to men.
if you’ve been or thought you were attracted to men in the past but you no longer are? yes you are still a lesbian. “but what if i find the right man in the future?” sexuality isn’t about the past or the possible future. it’s about the present.
i’ve had so many people message me either afraid to identity as a lesbian, or question their validity because of lesbophobia on the timeline and in society as a whole.
so to the people who “identify” as bi/pan lesbians, to the non lesbians who tweet lesbian “hot takes” which are actually incredibly lesbophobic, to people who call us terfs when we say sometning you don’t like: FUCK. YOU.
and to my lesbian mutuals and any other lesbians this may reach, no matter how much lesbophobia is tweeted, said, yelled at us, we are a community. don’t lose hope. your attraction to women is beautiful and your community is here for you ❤️🧡🤍💖

(end of thread)
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