i would love to see a weird power dynamic between bill and mike as the group adopted “leaders” of the losers club. eddie asking which way to go in the fork of a trail, bill saying “left” and mike saying “straight” at the same time. they look at eachother awkwardly.
mike: okay guys we will just listen to billy boy haha. left.

bill: nonono how bout we go straight, since you offered.

bev: guys...
it sparks a lil argument between them in the middle of a hiking trail. mike saying “no you were soo excited to go left!” and bill saying “listen up guys i agree with mike and I HAVE decided we’ll just go straight” and mike just pats him on the back and says “okay, boss”
bills PISSED he just got reverse psychologied and he chases mike down the trail yelling “wait! thats not fair!!” while mike runs away from him laughing
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