Watched Kingdom and was suddenly forcibly reminded of the year of Toronto cannibal stories and the date with a suspected cannibal I lived through
despite the lackluster response I will tell u abt my date w a suspected cannibal & the cannibal year of 2018. so this girl I was on a first date with went like haha I read this story where a man cut his foot off and fed it to his friends (which I later found out WAS A REAL STORY)
and then she finished with, "arent you curious," to which I said "um????? NO?????????" and her response was like "oh.. it's just meat" and for the rest of the date she went on about how she was curious about "new experiences." I "went to the bathroom" and ran away
I went home and told my roommate, "god D I went on a date w this girl from tinder and she was probs a wannabe cannibal." well D told me the story of her friend's friend who WENT ON A TINDER DATE W AN ACTUAL CANNIBAL?????
so this was the story as was told to me: the girl went over to his place for a date, he fed her meatballs before she had balls of a different variety, and apparently she started throwing up or sth?? and when she went to the hospital and cops came
and they were like "hey uhh you have like actual human remains in your stomach" and she was like "wait a fucking SEC" and told them the last thing she ate, and the guy who fed her, and apparently the cops recognized the description and was like "yeah we've been looking for him"
so apparently a weird detail she told the cops was that his place was all covered w wrap and boxes like when you're moving, but he said he just moved In. And the scariest part is, when the cops DID show up at his place, it was EMPTY. HE WASNT MOVING IN HE WAS MOVING OUT
so upon hearing this HORRIFYING story from D, I kinda forget about it and a few days later talk to another friend Q (they don't know each other). And I'm like "hey weird thing I have TWO cannibal stories?" and to my absolute HORROR Q is like, "oh, you too"

and then Q told me that their friend went on a date with a cannibal dude from tinder. except this girl gets sick mid-meal, and thinking the dude poisoned her, went to the bathroom and called her friends. Her friends went to retrieve her (like 3 of them or sth) and they leave
but after this she's violently sick, and they go to the hospital. THEN. SAME THING?? With the cops coming and the detail about his place being kinda in a moving phase and the person just not being there when the cops arrive
and the scariest thing is Q just launched into this story BEFORE I told them about D's friend, who again, they don't know!!! I investigated, and D told me this happened to her friend's friend Winter/Spring 2017 while It happened to Q's friend Summer 2016
Both were yt dudes on tinder and had the same M.O. and the timeline is just...?? I feel like this is the same person.

In conclusion there may or may not be a cannibal out there, and a lot more people have cannibal stories than you'd imagine
Also for those curious about the cannibal article that revealed terrifying insights on that date (that revealed more terrifying insights) just google "This Guy Served His Friends Tacos Made from His Own Amputated Leg." It is an extremely graphic VICE article I will not link.
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