Thread: organising systems of political education among your comrades and class allies who are interested (by and for MLs)
What is a SYSTEM of political education? It is a set of methods that work together to maximise the effectiveness of your efforts to get you and your comrades familiar and well versed in the knowledge that makes us better communists.
This thread is just how I envision such a system working.
What do communists need to educate themselves about?

Political Economy
Communist Political Philosophy and Sociology
Organisational Tactics and Methodology
We have plenty of texts we KNOW we should get around to reading. I personally think that's not something you need to or even should undertake alone. If you're on left Twitter, you have people around you with whom you can explore and discuss these texts. Do so!
Marxists should not neglect the power of a good teacher. Marxists should not feel burdened with the task of being their own teacher at all times! Be a teacher for someone else, let someone else be your teacher.

Here's how I propose that happens:
Among your comrades, form small groups responsible for consuming, discussing and educating others on one or a few texts. Together they will understand the text(s) and develop resources with which they can help others understand those texts with much more depth and perspective ...
... at a much quicker and more approachable rate than they would have had they studied it alone or without guidance. Learn from one another's efforts what methods and resources are most effective to undertake in your endeavour to educate your comrades.
As you build a pool of resources to teach a text, and a pool of people able to teach it, the rate of education can quicken and deepen. This is powerful, and we should strive to tap into this!w
When we are all further educated on the topics aforementioned, we will ALL be better communists prepared to deal with the material reality of our era.
You can follow @bikacore.
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