We're not endorsing Biden. And here’s why you’re under no obligation to vote for him either (A Thread). #WhyImNotVotingForJoe
Biden voted for the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act and didn’t come out in support of gay marriage until public pressure forced him to in 2012. He even enthusiastically opposed it in his 2008 VP debate with Sarah Palin. https://twitter.com/leftwardswing/status/1221519399527407616?s=21
Biden has been in politics for 50 years and has a consistently awful record. He won't change no matter how hard the left tries. Judge him by his actions, not his campaign platitudes.
Plus, there’s always the assumption in liberal technocratic thinking that marginally better = good. Which is far from the truth. As Malcolm X said "If you stick a knife in my back 9 inches & pull it out 6 in., there's no progress... Progress is healing the wound that [it] made."
Biden is an electoral disaster. Therefore we must focus our electoral energy towards advancing a 3rd party to challenge the two party duopoly of the establishment. Compromising on our values by voting for Biden will bring us no closer to achieving our goals.
We went from Obama to Clinton, and now Biden, getting progressively worse each time. Now we say enough is enough! It's time to take a stand.
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