"Duduk rumah pun boleh breakout, kenapa ni? Kena extend 2 minggu lagi ni takkan terus breakout kot 😭"

Have you encountered this during lockdown? Worry not as I will share with you what are the causes and what can you do with it

A thread!
[Source prev picture: Getty]

📢DISCLAIMER: All these contents are done by my own reading and research on existing articles and websites. I will share all links and sources I found at the end of thread. I am not an expert on any field of study, just did out of own interest
Before I start, I'd like to ask everyone to stay optimistic and be positive during this lockdown! This is challenging but lets trust our front liners, this will be worth it. Hang in there everyone! #MalaysiaBebasCovid19
So, what might causes our face to breakout?

1⃣ Tak cukup tidur

Kulit kita ada 'jam' sendiri dan waktu malam is the BEST for our skin to repair damage and rebuild skin cells and tissues. Did you know melantonin, a natural antioxidant is released during sleep?

[Source: Pibuu]
Bila kita tidur, cell division rate yang bantu heal skin damage akan meningkat & cortisol level pula menurun. Cortisol ni apa? Cortisol ni ialah main stress hormone dalam badan kita.

So bila kita tidur, kita tak stress. Waktu tidur lah kita rehat dari segala anasir dunia ni
Bila waktu tidur kena kacau, process healing terganggu dan cortisol rate meningkat. Adrenal glands pula akan overproduce cortisol, a steroid, which in turn makes sebaceous glands produce more oil and make skin extra oily!

Sebaceous gland ni organ yang keluarkan sebum tu!
Bila inflammation increase, cell function decreased 👇👇👇

“First signs of inflammation from the brain show up on the skin because the skin is the largest innervated organ,”

Contoh inflammation ialah bila bangun tidur tu kulit ada redness and patchy.
So apa perlu dibuat?

✅Tidur awal. Yes memang susah untuk dibuat sebab waktu nilah kita nak tengok Netflix etc.

But research shows that "...adults need 7-9 hours of sleep,” and "...even 6 hours a night have an increased link to stroke and other inflammatory events.”
How to help sleep better?

✅Bilik total gelap
✅Wake up early and be productive by day
✅Sleep playlist on Spotify
✅Sleep mist (if nak spend on products saja nak be boujee kan)
2⃣ Sweat exercising

Kalau workout, I suka dance fitness je and these 2 always be my options on Youtube sebab easy, fun and attractive. Exercise memang bagi banyak benefit antaranya:

Increase blood flow
Even out skin complexion
Reduce stress

...but how can they cause acne?
Problem muncul bila kita berpeluh. Maka berkolamlah segala peluh yang basah dan minyak dipermukaan kulit kita. Sweat can build up oil, dirt and bacteria on our skin - which can cause acne.

So apa kita boleh buat? Takkan tak boleh exercise lansung?
✅Be clean

Kebersihan diri sangatlah penting. Bila kita workout satu badan akan berpeluh, so terus hit the shower after habis workout. Also, jangan ulang pakaian yang sama, termasuklah baju dalaman (underwears & socks). I'd recommend exercise awal pagi atau petang sebelum....
...mandi, so senang dan jimat pakaian! Lepas berpeluh tu terus mandi. Badan pun rasa fresh for our next activity! Other than that:

✅Sanitise your tools such as yoga mat
✅Bring Microfibre face towel to wipe off excess sweat
3⃣ Indoor environment

Haaa environment pun memainkan peranan tau walaupun kita tak sedar. Kulit kita sebenarnya in contact dengan udara dan boleh bagi reaction macam eczema, acne, breakouts and premature aging

Air indoors can be up to 5x more polluted than outdoors!
Environment kita ni ada chemicals, dusts, carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity yang boleh menyebabkan acne. Sama juga bila kita terdedah dengan asap kereta atau dari kilang bila outdoor.

Jadi apa boleh kita buat? Takkan nak pindah dari planet ini?
What you can do is:

✅Buka tingkap dan biarkan udara bersih masuk sementara kilang tutup ni
✅Guna kain lembap selain dari bulu ayam untuk hilangkan habuk
✅ Air purifier
✅ Letak snake plant can absorbs chemical in air
4⃣ Diet

Waktu lockdown ni kita memang akan stock up canned foods dan instants. While canned foods hilang nutrient selepas canning process, instant foods pula contains Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) yang boleh effect kesihatan seperti obesiti
Selain itu, some people mungkin dah terjejas access untuk dapatkan sumber makanan mcm dulu sebab kekangan duit atau tak boleh keluar dari current place lansung. Ada juga yang kerja try new recipe aje dan ada juga yang tak habis2 makan junk food

So how?
Kandungan gula dalam makanan boleh cause inflammation juga, which can affecting the skin and aggravating conditions such as acne and eczema.

⬆️glucose (sugar) in blood stream,⬆️insulin produced to store it and when insulin level is ⬆️
Bila blood sugar tinggi, inflammation pun tiba which then can cause acne. Makan makanan tinggi GI boleh tingkatkan hormone yang meningkatkan aktiviti oil glands in skin. Tapi waktu terdesak macam ni takkan kita nak tolak makanan pulak?
✅Limit yourself from sugary snacks and processed foods
✅Hadkan pengambilan nasi dalam sehari kalau boleh
✅Opt to chickpeas or lentils
✅Makanlah buah-buahan dan sayuran lebih
🙌Try simple drinks to clear acne from Beauty Within! Click link
5⃣ Stress

Keadaan ni memang semua stress. Business tak jalan, duit tak cukup, jauh dari keluarga, student uni tak dapat focus study, interns tangguh kerja haih mencabar kan. Macam mana stress boleh akibatkan acne?
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