ppl who say they're being abused by the system that punishes retail workers for their funsies stealing are the ppl who don't tip waitstaff bc 'ur being taken advantage of by the concept of tips.' u don't have a god-given right to walk into a store and take whatever u want, karen
you're not fucking being oppressed bc people don't let you walk out with 100s of $ worth of art supplies. quit claiming it's abuse to be held to the standards of fucking toddlers learning not to steal, let alone comparable to the exploitation of retail workers you entitled fucks
the willful idiocy. the concern trolling. the /privilege./ you don't risk getting evicted, not fucking getting to eat that week, your children not getting to eat that week, despite working yourself to the bone for 90 hours, for stealing art supplies. y'all make me fucking sick
honestly i'm just going to probably retweet this thread once a day until this shit is over with because Protip I am So Fucking Mad
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