All those preachers that r holding actual church services tomorrow: 1. I wonder how many of their parishioners have corona and don’t know it and are going to church tomorrow. 2. How r they keeping everyone 6 feet apart? 3. What about shaking hands etc. thread
4. Do these preachers believe in medicine, doctors? 5. How prepared r they to lose members of their congregation to corona? Not making fun of or being sarcastic. Actually being completely serious.
6. How prepared r they to lose infants, toddlers, young children, young adults, and even pregnant mothers to corona. R they prepared for funerals etc. 7. Are they prepared for their family members or themselves to come down with this virus?
Holding actual church services right now seems very selfish of them. U can’t just burry your head in the sand and hope it doesn’t touch u or the people you’re supposed to care about.
This isn’t about you or politics or whatever rights u think u have. Corona doesn’t care about any of that.
Corona doesn’t care if you were young, old, lacking immune system, r a newborn, who you voted for in the last election, what religion you are, or anything else.
As a preacher u should be encouraging your congregation to read their Bible not holding actual in person church services. Because clearly people need to read their Bible if we’re going by the comments I received on Facebook. J/s
I’m not saying don’t whole church services because that’s with the Internet and livestreaming services like facebook live, parascope, and youtube is for. I mean, come on y’all! Let’s don’t be stupid, stupid.
And i say this as a Christian. Also as someone Who has family who is an essential employee who comes home daily and tells stories about how whole families keep showing up at stores, throwing gloves and masks on the ground etc.
I can handle an online church service and if you can’t, what kind of Christian are you. God didn’t say be selfish and put your thoughts and feelings before anyone else’s. J/s
And no state that I know of has an order that says preachers can’t be in their own church by themselves. My preacher does it every online church service.
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