Is there a possibility that the river is going to flood or am I just being neurotic about my tent location? And are potential quick escape routes something I should be thinking about?? Is it bad that I’m thinking about this while picking a place for my tent in a game?
I’m probs not being super original by naming it Fyre Island, right?
Oh my god. I need to catch 50 hermit crabs??
I feel like all these things I’m catching/harvesting for bells might not be renewable? How fast to they like respawn?
Why is a hermit crab worth more than a sea bass??????
Am I going to get f-ed over if I deposit the bells into the shady-ass ATM owned by the very company that dropped me off on an island with just like a tent, lamp, and radio AS A VACATION?
My indentured servitude is over, and now I have an actual house, not a tent. I am moving up in the world!!
Omfg. I didn’t realize you can leave all the rando fish and insects OUTSIDE so I’ve been hoarding them all indoors like a freak.
I feel like I am overfishing and over-logging (lumberjacking?) the crap out of this island.
When is “tomorrow” in the game bc this dude keeps saying my house will be done tomorrow but it’s already tomorrow.
So apparently, days start at 5 am. But also, what’s up with this tricycle?? I thought I’d be able to ride it around the island 😭😭
Omg yay!! I paid off my home loan! This doesn’t seem realistic
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