Had an urge to go for a walk to the Eagle's Nest today. So I masked up, and headed out.

So glad I did!! A few highlights for you (maybe more tomorrow).

Very young Bald Eagle (only a few months old)
Probably not the sharpest photo I've ever gotten, but at this point I was starting to bend backwards... Fledgling Bald Eagle flying over my head.
Another view of the young Bald Eagle
A few photos of a White-Eyed Vireo... (love these little ones)
I've shared photos in the past that I've taken of Barred Owls - some of them I've seen many times, since I know where they are.

First time seeing this beauty today, but I've heard it hooting many many times, along with its mate.
Another view of the Barred Owl from today (did not see its mate, or any young ones)
Mourning Dove
Mourning Dove, cooing
The Magnolias are blooming
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