I see no reason at all to vow to vote Biden without meaningful concessions to Bernie's significant constituency. No one owes Biden their vote. But -- that doesn't excuse not being fair-minded about the differences. A Trump admin re-election is a far bigger threat to the planet.
That assessment does not negate fact that Biden has awful policies & an awful record. That's true. But the smallest differences between elites can make the world of difference to the most vulnerable. That's just an unfortunate reality all of us are responsible for dealing with.
At this point in time, Biden probably has more blood on his hands. But the people around Trump -- especially Pompeo -- are sociopaths who have already done major damage to the world (nuke proliferation, regime change, sanctions, climate) & will do worse if given another 4 years.
Trump admin can't be pushed in any positive direction. Biden's people *possibly* could be pushed to do far less damage. For example, returning to Obama's climate, Iran, Cuba deals; ending murderous sanctions on Venezuela; ending the Muslim Ban. Won't happen under Trump admin.
After HRC lost 2016, I was hopeful that progressives could seize anti-establishment sentiment from the neoliberal wreckage. The opposite happened: to hold on to their power, the neoliberals rolled out Russiagate & a vapid Resistance, and duped progressives into playing along.
You could argue that a Biden loss would grant progressives another chance. But neoliberals still own media & political establishment. They'd roll out another con. And instead of pushing for anything progressive, our energies would be consumed by stopping the far-right onslaught.
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