. @FortniteGame if there’s no NBA would there be other basketball leagues around the world, college & HS basketball, AAU, etc? No because all of them don’t got anybody to look up to. Catering the game to the kids & the console community too much will be the slow end of Fortnite.
i said console community because they split the prize pool in half and it’s just not the same anymore
It’s almost like they are squeezing as much money off of kids as they could when this game had potential to be the greatest it’s give and take so epic needs to give more to the pros and it trickles down making everybody else more competitive
They started doing things like SBMM, aim assist, op weapons like mechs, etc and half of prize pool to the console community the game was going other direction. They are gonna lose pros left and right because there’s not any relationship or communication between devs and pros
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