Two recent "SARI" patients from our municipality seen at the district hospital. Unloading some of my worry as a community-based physician:
(1) Dyspneic, pale, with clear breath sounds with 3-day chills, no fever. CBC was taken before referral, WBC of 28.9, neutrophils of 92, lymphocytes of 8, low Hgb --referred to hospital with primary impression of Sepsis, for further work-up and management --they said it's SARI
(2) Hypertensive, diabetic pt w/ abscess in the hypogastric area. Claims to be dyspneic, but pt was deliberately taking deep breaths, afebrile, clear breath sounds. Gave antibx for abscess. 2 days later, fever and dyspnea thus referred to hospital --also SARI, pt expired
Epidemiologically speaking, the island has no recorded case of COVID-19 yet and the patients above have other possible causes of fever + dyspnea. As clinicians, shouldn't we be leaning more on work-up and management of the real underlying cause for the "SARI"?
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