I’m only going to say this once and then I never want to talk about it again. I don’t agree with ACAB twitter and I don’t want to keep getting dragged into the rhetoric by people who assume I do. If I’ve already lost you here then fine, but if not I have a few things to say.
Please don’t get me wrong, I 100% understand your opinion. There are so many shitty asshole power-hungry cops out there that deserve to lose their jobs, their pensions, and more. Your experiences and feelings are valid and I DO support you in that way. And the memes are funny.
Obviously a job that inherently puts the employees in a position of power is going to attract more jerks, but for every shit cop, there’s a good one who genuinely wants to protect and serve. They take the job seriously and they care. I’m sorry if you’ve never met one of them.
Every person I know in law enforcement had a fucking tough life and used this career as an opportunity to turn it around. To become an upstanding member of society. To treat people with the respect they weren’t given growing up.
We need more cops that care about protecting you rather than following the law to the letter. We need more COs who will treat inmates with respect and inspire them to overcome. ACAB rhetoric is doing that goal a disservice.
I never thought saying some dumb shit like NoT aLL cOpS would be necessary but y’all have gone overboard. Speaking support for a SINGLE officer makes someone a “cop lover”? A pig? A narc? You really don’t believe there’s a single good cop out there?
Anyway if this makes me a “cop lover” and you want to cancel me or not be my friend anymore then so be it. I’ve given your opposing opinions respect and if you’re not willing to do the same for me then there’s nothing I can do to change that and I wish you the best.
(Not trying to be all “woe is me” with this last one but I’ve already seen what some of you guys do when someone even hints towards an opposing opinion and it’s ugly.)
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