Safety in fandom spaces for minors AND NSFW content creators/accs is something that requires the participation of ALL parties. NSFW accs can censor, warn, lock and tell "minors dni".

Minors need to do their part and not enter spaces that EXPLICITLY bar them.
Minor does not mean moron. Just because they are legally a child does not mean they are a literal child. They know right from wrong, they can understand rules and know when they're breaking them.
They are capable of taking responsibility for their actions. They SHOULD take responsibility for their actions and follow rules/requests put in place FOR THEIR SAFETY!
I understand the majority of the responsibility is on adults - as it should be. But that does not completely remove all accountability from minors invading spaces that clearly state they are not welcome.
It's really sad to see friends who do 18+ / NSFW content have to hide away, purge followings and isolate themselves because people refuse to be responsible (or are even downright deceitful because they can't fathom not being horny with adults).
Everyone, please be responsible. Warn and tag content appropriately. If you're of age and post NSFW, DNI with minors. Minors please respect the boundaries put there. I know it's frustrating, it feels like you're being babied or infantilized. I promise it's not. It is for safety.
This issue has come up a lot recently, and all it's accomplishing is alienating NSFW accs/creators, making them hide away MORE and making them PROFOUNDLY uncomfortable.
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