I've been condescended to more times in the past two days than the past ten years combined.
Let me tell you something, I did not give in to bullies.
I came to agree with reasonable people making dispassionate arguments, including my own fiance.

If I gave in to bullies, I'd never publish a video. I know how to deal with bullying, I'm no shrinking violet.
The only people who've attempted to bully me about this situation are the people trying to act like apologizing for doing something wrong is somehow a betrayel, because it sets a precedent that every much always apologize if ever criticized.
Motherfuckers, I'm never NOT criticized for a video. You ever read YouTube comments? I get hate for everything I make no matter how innocuous.

I've never taken down a video before because I know the difference between being bullied and receiving genuine criticism.
All this in the midst of an actual harassment campaign against the Rae the Doe lady. Really shows where your priorities are that you're more afraid of one creator receiving mild criticism and responding not angrily, than another receiving multiple death threats.
I'm not giving too much leeway to the 'woke left', it's very clear to me now that the mistake I've made is (among others) that I haven't made my position against reactionary elements in leftist movements clear enough.
If you think you're above criticism, fuck you.
If you think I'm above criticism, double fuck you.
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