We went to a friend's church for "drive thru Easter."

I witnessed a display of colossally bad judgment.

Staff dancing around. Not social distancing. A few had masks. Some wore them around their necks, more as a fashion accessory.

COVID-19 can spread by talking y'all.

There were several delivery trucks parked on site.

Each had a large flexible tube, the end of which would go inside your car. They used it to roll in easter eggs. Kids would reach out and grasp the tubes.

The whole time, I'm thinking:

"These eggs, they're to die for!"

You could also pose for a "selfie," where someone in a bunny costume would come up to your car window and you could lean out. That bunny costume made contact with a *lot* of people.

We politely declined all the opportunities to roll down our windows, and instead just waved.

We watched these exhausted looking church staff members, who were posing with forced smiles. My heart goes out to them, if this is how seriously their leadership takes the pandemic.

If you're wondering why COVID-19 is running rampant in the US, this is why.

It's our rabid "do what I want" attitude — conflated with independence — and general "it won't happen to me" disregard for public safety.

If you're a church pastor, and you have something like this planned… Just don't. Your ego is not worth putting people's health at risk.

Some pastors look at social distancing rules, and think:

"We can't do what I had planned. But what can we get away with, while not technically breaking these rules?"

Legalism isn't what is going to flatten the curve. That sort of hubris places others at unnecessary risk.

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