1/6 Just a reminder that the elderly and vulnerable are not old people in retirement homes. The idea that retirement home elderly could be sacrificed in the name of economic growth because they are going to die of something else soon anyway, is slippery slope material.
2/6 The fixation on “protecting” the vulnerable is also not feasible. Who are these vulnerable? They’re people living in your community, not apart from it. They are kids with health needs, they’re mothers of newborns, of toddlers, of teens.
3/6 They’re your partners, brothers and sisters. They’re the grandparents who provide an extra layer of comfort for families and kids. They live down the road, they’re who the 10-year-olds go to for holidays, they stay, or live in your homes.
4/6 Aside from the family, the vulnerable can and do work – mostly invisibly – they’re doctors, nurses, cleaners, teachers. They collect your rubbish, give you legal representation, they’re even the people at the checkout counter working to keep you fed in these isolating times.
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