Since everyone has realized what big buddies aardvarks are I'd like to remind folks that giant armadillos exist. They eat similar diets but are from different continents.

Look at that big armor buddy!

If the giant armadillo is far too big for you to think about please check out the pink fairy armadillo which is a hamster sized armor buddy.

If the giant armadillo is far too big for you to think about, please check out the pink fairy armadillo which is a hamster-sized armor buddy.

Unlike other types of armadillos the Brazilian three banded armadillo can scrunch up into an actual ball.

Look at this little round child!

We have nine-banded armadillos in my area. They like digging up grubs and worms and ant beds like most armadillos. Nine-banded armadillos can not turn into balls but they are still adorable armor buds!

There are 21 extant (living) species of armadillo & I do not know them all but I am sure they are all wonderful armored buddies.

You can read more about them here: 
Please do not try to pet armadillos. They can transmit things like leprosy and changas disease.That's not their fault, of course. They had to have gotten leprosy from Europeans as it wasn't in the Americas before Europeans showed up.
Armadillos aren't the only armored anteaters by the way.

Pangolins are their cousins!

These cute armor buddies are getting a bad rap right now & already had it bad from people poaching them but they're wonderful. They can become balls.

Read about them: 
I just learned about the screaming hairy armadillo which shrieks when handled.

I do not blame this little buddy for screaming.

I have wanted to scream a lot lately too.
I also just learned about the big hairy armadillo which is one of the biggest types of armadillos!

Look at this big armored buddy!

So good!
Armadillos are super cool as are all anteaters.

Enjoy this picture of a big hairy armadillo that is quite a mood. This armadillo speaks to how I've felt lately.

I need to get back to resting.

Please have a wonderful day & try to get some rest.

PS: Maybe one day I'll finally make a fantasy series that has an abundance of armadillo based creatures in it. I put a giant robot armadillo in a comic once (in Womathology: Heroic) because I like armadillos. XD

Now I go rest.
One more armadillo thing before I go, back in the days of mega fauna there were GIGANTIC armadillos who they've done DNA tests on which proved they were armadillos.

Meet glyptodon! 
Glyptodon were wild! Such big armored buddies!

More reading:

Imagine a fantasy book where these are still around! I want to write it!

I love armadillos!

Now I will get back to resting as I think about how to work cow-sized armadillos into a fantasy series.

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