“The Jacobins are having their moment, courtesy of a pandemic...or, better, of the panic and chaos of a crisis that must never go to waste. It is a time of emergency orders, unilaterally issued with ever less compunction by state and local executives....” https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/04/coronavirus-consent-governed-authoritarian-overreach-unnecessary/
“Before we ever get to the legal niceties, there is the fundamental issue of government’s political legitimacy. Do officials remember who the sovereign is? (Hint: It is not they.)...”
“Are those who so portentously remind us that they are in “government service” mindful of what a servant is, and of who the master is?...
“The state and its police need the public’s cooperation. They won’t get it by coercion. If they can’t get cooperation because they’ve forfeited their legitimacy by capricious, politicized enforcement . . . well, there are worse things that can happen than a pandemic....”
“The preservation of a free society requires ordered liberty. The government can never forget that the objective is not order for its own sake, or for the sake of “progressive’ social transformation. The point of order is the flourishing of freedom.”— @AndrewCMcCarthy
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