MINZDRAV doctor-scientists said that because of all the symptoms evidenced in this patient, the most accurate cause of death should be listed as its being caused by High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE)—
— otherwise know as “altitude sickness”, some of whose symptoms include “tingling” in the extremities, typically presents with a dry cough, with atypical findings, such as substernal chest pain or focal neurological deficits, which lead to “severe breathing problems” and —
— ultimately death if left untreated with the most proven efffective treatment being to place the patient in a barometric chamber to restore their oxygen level.
Concurring with MINZDRAV doctor-scientists in their HAPE assessment are American doctors fighting on the front line of this coronavirus disease who are now reporting that their coronavirus patients are experiencing “a strange buzzing sensation throughout their body” akin to—
— like they have high altitude sickness than a viral infection” such as Maimonides Medical Center infectious disease expert Doctor Cameron Kyle-Sidell, who not only is warning that his coronavirus patients are dying with altitude sickness symptoms,—
— says putting them on ventilators does nothing but hasten their deaths.
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